The Ryan Show
"The Ryan Show FM is a syndicated talk show broadcasting on over 200 radio stations both terrestrial and online. Every week host Ryan Verneuille discusses current events, music & sports with his co hosts NYC socialite Hamptons Dave, Grammy Award winning rapper Mr. Cheeks. Different celebrity guests join the boys in studio to discuss an array of topics and answer hard hitting questions. Segments placed in between interviews and banter includes news reports, event coverage and comedy sketches. Regular guests on the show include star of the Netflix documentary of "The Seven Five" Michael Dowd, hip hop pioneer Tragedy Khadafi, entrepreneur Jonathan Torres and rising comedian Nick Tilleli."
Catch the show every Monday 21:00-23:00 GMT
Cast & Crew Social Media:
IG Live: @theryanshowlive
Host: Ryan Verneuille
Co Host: Mr. Cheeks IG: @darealmrcheeks132
Co Host: Hamptons Dave IG: @hamptonsdave
Show-Runner : Noura Eldeeb IG:@nouratheryanshow